
Tuesday, January 19, 2016

2016, eh?

As of this date we are already far in this new year, but I still wanted to dedicate another link on the Internet to New Year's Resolutions.

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I am kind of a person that easily forgets her own birthday party if I don't write it on a piece of paper, and I am writing my resolutions here, as a always-existing reminder, hoping I'll actually work towards achieving them.

But yes, if you were to look around my room, you'd see post-it notes with reminders such as "go see a doctor", "text this person, you haven't in a while" and similar. 
And of course I have to write my groceries list as well, because other way I'd just go to the supermarket and buy everything except what I need. 
Which still, happens but

*off topic alert*

Yeah, another time.

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New Year, New Me? 

I love to refer to it, as a New Year - new opportunities, many chances to improve the same old me.
(I know, it's not something that will catch up on, I am working on it) 
I'd never want to change who I am, right down there in the core. 
I have been breathing the air on this planet for over 19 years now, and I am still the same person I always was. But of course, it would be idiotic and inhuman not to change your perceptions and way of thinking and observing the world. Over the years I grew so much, learned not only from my own but from everyone else's experiences and I can proudly say for certain that everything I stand for, is because I truly believe in it.

My first big Resolution is dedicated exactly to that - growing as a person. 

*beware, here cometh the list*

  1. Learn more about things that I am interested in, or I don't know anything about

    Basically, do more research about things that are relevant in this world because a) I will not look stupid in front of other people; b) I will actually have materials for discussion with other people and c) it will basically make me connected to the rest of humanity.
  2. Get fit

    Yeah, add me to the list as well.
    Recently I noticed that I can't run for 5 seconds without dying and gasping for air which is not normal and I kind of offend myself with it. I was once an active handball player, I was once in form and I looked like that.
    This year, I really want to move as much as I can, be it just going for a walk or going to the gym. My body needs that more that I care to admit.
    Plus, I want to look this summer so I don't have to hide behind towels.
    *snaps fingers in Z formation*
  3. Cook more

    I can cook. When I know which items the meal requires, I. Can. Cook.
    And I want to do more of it.
  4. Fall in love

    I am almost 20 years old.
  5. Be happy

    Laugh more, enjoy the details and not worry - that is my last-on-the-list but first-in-real-life resolution.
    We as humans often forget how much happiness is important for us.
    I am one of you.
    I overthink.
    I over-analyse.
    I worry too much.
    I really want to be as relaxed and as happy with myself this year. I want to be satisfied with my image and my body as much as with who I am as a person.
    I want to enjoy everything as much as I can, be it just staying at home and binge watching a TV-show or going out with my friends.

    Obviously this is a resolution that takes time, and I'd be the happiest if I achieve this by December. If not, at least I have good base to realize it in 2017.

    But one has to start somewhere, eh?
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  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. You're a little late with new year's resolutions but as they say better late than never.
    #5.As you said it should be your first resolution/decision.

    1. Yes, this was written in no particular order.
      I am definitely putting happiness on top of my priorities :)
