
Saturday, April 19, 2014

Veni, Vidi, Vici - Vienna, 2014

Hi there. Hello :)

As you can see, I have been a little busy and lazy, and haven't written a blog post since March 30th. And today is April 19th.

Please accept my apologies.

During this non-writing period of time, I have been so busy with school, my holidays started (and are ending in 3 days) and during my hollidays, I went to Vienna to see my best friend who I haven't seen since August, and I miss too much!

So, me and my friend decided to go and visit her, and on 14th of April, our adventure begun.

So this us, from left to righ:
Jasna - my friend who lives in Vienna
Lidija - my adventure companion
And me :)

Me being genius I am, I din't take my quality camera, so I was stuck with my Sony Xperia J and the Nikon S3100 camera who are both just useless. But I did manage to take a few photos which I will now post below.

Austrian parliament

This is what I like to call "An epic fail"

All these photos are infront of Schönbrunn Palace, which is so beautiful, and you should definitely see it.

Isn't this the most beautiful H&M store you have ever seen?

Eating noodles with chopsticks like a pro :)

New selfie style invented by me in the Hofburg palace

Enjoying the sun in the beautiful Volksgarten
Pulling faces on Prater Tower in Prater.

If you do consider going to Vienna, here are some tips you would probably find helpful:
  • If you don't speak German 'sehr gut' don't even try. Because you don't speak it as good as you think you do.
  • Check out the weather. Becuase we came in April, and the weather was worse then in January. We froze and we got wet because the rain just decided to follow us around.
  • You don't have to buy a ticket for U-bahn (Underground/Subway). Or tram. Or city bus. Because no one cares. Or buy one, and pretend you didn't know what you had to do with it.
    Unless you're like me or you just want to be fair, and you're afraid of fine and controllers, then I suggest you buy it because otherwise your trip will be stresfull beyond the limits.
  • Do not miss the Prater for a little bit of adrenaline rush. Everyone needs that now and then in life.
  • Also, do climb the St. Stephen's Cathedral. The view is breathtaking. Unless you're doing in at 9 o'clock pm. While it's raining. And it's windy. The view is still amazing, but you will come out of a Cathedral as an ice-cube.
  • Do not get out without wipes. Just trust me on this one. You will need them more than you think.
  • If you're a fan of popular brands such as Gucci, Prada, Louis Vuitton etc. you don't want to miss Stephansplatz and Michaelerplatz and nearby streets.
    Also, if you're hardcore fan of Jamie C. Bower, as I am, you don't want to miss Kohlmarkt as there is a Burbery store with Jamie casually posing in front of it.
    And don't forget to take a selfie with it, like a professional fangirl would do.
    Hello, Jamie :)

  • Chocolate is the best souvenir you can get. Forget about plates, pens, magnets and the usual stuff. Just go with chocolate. And I suggest you to get the 'Mozartkugeln' because that is the bestest thing in the world.
    Also, you can find it in normal stores such as Müller or Interspar for a very good price. Don't buy it in souvenir shops or patisseries.
    Unless you're buying an ice cream. Then you should buy it in patisserie. In every patisserie you can find.
    And do try all the food you can.
    Thank you Internet for this lovely picture, as I didn't have one :)
  • If chocolate is your one true love, I also suggest you to visit Chocolate Museum. That is an experience... I didn't get because of lack of time. But my friend said no one should miss that, which is why I am suggesting to you, not to be like me, and not to cross that of your to-do list.
I think that would be it.
Perhaps, there is lack of photos, but no matter how many photos I put here you still won't be able to see all the beauty of Vienna.
And I suggest you do visit as soon as possible, because why not?

"All the world is stage" as my good old friend Shakespeare said, and it is waiting just for you. So why not start with conquering the world and making the best time and the best memories of your life?
Make sure to put Vienna on your list, and have loads of fun!

Until next post, follow me on my social media, comment and share this one, and read the previous ones. They are as good. 
If you do so, I will love you forever! 

Cheers! Xx

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Veni, Vidi, Vici - London 2013

Hiii! :)

So, I was going trough my photos and I found this well known map titled "London, mate", and just couldn't resist opening it, going trough all the photos, remembering everything, and I immediately decided to make a blog post about it.

London, London.
If you've been there, you know what I mean.
If you didn't, what are you waiting for? Go, as soon as you can.
If you live there, I envy you. So much.

For you who haven't been there, London is exactly what you think it is. Full of beautiful women and handsome men in coats, busy streets with people dashing around and going about their business, big red buses driving around, streets packed with restaurants, shops, pubs, etc.
It's a magnet for young people, and it seems it's never dull in that city.
And just hearing the british accent seems satisfying to me.
You may, or you may not agree with what I said, but London is definitely one of my favourite cities.

I went to London in October with my teacher and some friends from my high school. We went to British International School, attended classes every morning, met amazing people who work there (professor George, you are awesome) got our diplomas at the end of the week and even made a web page about our London experience.

British International School
And this is us on our last day, with our diplomas and with our tour guide Artur, who we thank so much, because he is the best!

As we would do all our school duties by noon, we had the rest of the day to explore London. I will just list some photos, because let's be honest, it's better to look at them then to read, right?
Westminster Abbey
This is me trying to get a decent picture in front of Big Ben.
That, my dear friends, is not as easy as it seems.
National Gallery

There is this myth about London weather. And it is true. One minute it's raining, and then another one is sunny like nothing ever happened. So you're just standing there with your weat umbrella, looking like a fool while sun is dying of laughter. Which is what happened to us while we were in Green Park. And Oxford Street. And Trafalgar Square, and...
Green Park
This is also in Green Park. As you can see from photo above it was sunny. Five minutes later, and we had to open umbrella, just so we can close it 10 minutes later.
St. James Park

Me and my friend posing for Queen of England and Mycroft Holmes :P

London Eye selfie. If you ever come to London, don't miss this. You'll never forget it, and it's worth it.

While I was in London I bought one of the most precious things I own. An "Aint no wifey" beanie. There is not much cool beanies like this where I live, so I just had to buy it, because it screamed my name. And also, Cara is my queen, and I just think this is one of the best beanies in the world.
Emma & me

Ah, and this is a perfect photo to end the blog post. So, I have cousins I never met, who live in Bradford which is a city far far far away from London. (And no, unfortunately they do not know Zayn Malik, nor his family). So, these lovely people came to my hotel, so we can meet, and we had dinner and it was so lovely. They even invited me to come and stay with them sometime, and I am definitely considering that idea. I really can't wait to see them again, I miss them so much! 
My lovely cousin and his georgeous wife & me :)

So that's it for this blog post. 
If you liked it, comment, share, follow me on Twitter, Google+ and Bloglovin to know when my next post is out. 
If you do so, I will love you forever.

Cheers! Xx